Hello. My name is Ed and my call sign is N2EC. I’m an active Amateur Radio Operator whose interests include Parks on the Air (POTA) and portable operations, Morse code, DXing, amateur satellites, building and designing electronics, QRP operation, and constantly learning new areas of this incredible hobby.
I’ve been an amateur radio operator since I was 10 years old. My father and I studied together to get our amateur radio licenses in a class given by our local club in 1990.
I was licensed as a novice (KA3WHA) after passing the test and 5 WPM code exam and then shortly thereafter upgraded to a technician class license (N3IHX). I was active in our local club, the Columbia Amateur Radio Association (CARA), participating in many events and even serving as net control for some of their weekly nets. We also participated in Field Day for several years, both before and after they teamed up with PVRC to dominate the scoring.
While I was in college for electrical engineering I was mostly inactive in the hobby, but In 2006, I decided to upgrade to an extra class license. I took the general and extra exams in the same sitting, and then applied for a 1×2 call (N3QB). After my father’s passing, I applied to have his call (N2EC) which I am proud to be able to use today.
After being relatively quiet on the air in my 20s and 30s, I’ve gotten a lot more active in the hobby recently. I have really enjoyed participating in Parks on the Air, both as an activator and as a hunter. I love being outdoors, and POTA gives me more excuses to spend time out there. I like the challenge of setting up a portable station, and the good natured camaraderie that POTA encourages. I have also gotten back into operating CW and have been steadily improving my speed and copy. It has become one of my favorite modes.
I currently teach classes with the Long Island CW Club for beginner and intermediate adults as well as for kids. If you’re interested in learning Morse Code or just looking for a vibrant and fun community, LICW is hard to beat.
I am also the treasurer for my local club, the Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club (MVARC) which is another first rate organization with a very active membership. We have weekly meet-ups, monthly breakfasts, and monthly meetings focused on expanding our membership’s knowledge and enjoyment of amateur radio.
This site is meant as a means for me to record my adventures in Amateur Radio and to share some of the fun along the way.
Thanks for stopping by.